Raised by Wolves

After Earth is torn apart by religious differences and the human race teeters on the edge of extinction, an atheistic android architect sends two creations - Mother and Father - to start a peaceful, godless colony on the planet Kepler-22b. From executive producer Ridley Scott, Raised by Wolves follows Mother and Father as they attempt to raise human children in this mysterious virgin land - a treacherous and difficult task that's jeopardized by the arrival of the Mithraic, a deeply devout religious order of surviving humans. As the androids make contact with this zealous and dangerous people, they struggle to control the beliefs of their fiercely self-determining children.



Movie time


Directed by



Travis Fimmel, Amanda Collin, Abubakar Salim



01E04 - Nature's Course

Father tries to teach the children how to hunt some of Kepler-22b's mysterious creatures for food. Meanwhile, the Mithraic make a stunning discovery that potentially fulfills a Mithraic prophecy, and a debate about how to proceed ignites a conflict between Marcus and the Mithraic leader, Ambrose.

Date: 10 Sep 2020
IMDB id: tt10392588
IMDB rating: 7.8
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