
From the writers of Deadpool comes the story of 16 year old Wayne. He's a second generation, socially awkward, bully of bullies, with a heart of gold. He decides to take an unplanned road trip to Florida with his new friend Del, to get back his father's Trans Am, that his mother stole when she left them. With limited resources and nothing but the name of the city he thinks the car is in, he and Del face hilarious and heartfelt situations on their travels together down the Eastern seaboard.



Movie time

30 min

Directed by



Mark McKenna, Ciara Bravo, Joshua J. Williams



01E08 - Chapter Eight: Musta Burned Like Hell

Wayne and Del finally reach Ocala, FL and find his father's car by chance at a gas station. Wayne tracks it down and is unexpectedly reunited with his mother. Wayne also meets his step brother, Reggie, and stepfather, Calvin. Wayne tries to bond with his mother while Del tries to warn him that she'll hurt him again. Wayne confronts Del about the bus ticket she bought earlier, and Del reveals that was her backup plan. Meanwhile, Orlando and Principal Cole get sidetracked at a strip club.

Date: 16 Jan 2019
IMDB id: tt8559610
IMDB rating: N/A
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