2 Broke Girls

Sassy, streetwise Max works two jobs just to get by, one of which is waiting tables during the night shift at the retro-hip Williamsburg Diner. Sophisticated Caroline is an uptown trust fund princess who's having a run of bad luck that forces her to reluctantly give waitressing a shot. At first, Max sees Caroline as yet another in a long line of inept servers she must cover for, but she's surprised to find that Caroline has as much substance as she does style. When Caroline discovers Max's knack for baking amazing cupcakes, she sees a lucrative future for them, but they first need to raise the start-up money.



Movie time

22 min

Directed by



Kat Dennings, Beth Behrs, Garrett Morris



06E10 - And the Himmicane

When a hurricane hits, Caroline is worried that a divorce party she's planning for a wealthy couple will be ruined with the pair stuck in the dessert bar during the storm.

Date: 12 Dec 2016
IMDB id: tt5986820
IMDB rating: N/A
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