The Big Bang Theory

Leonard Hofstadter and Sheldon Cooper are both brilliant physicists working at Cal Tech in Pasadena, California. They are colleagues, best friends, and roommates, although in all capacities their relationship is always tested primarily by Sheldon's regimented, deeply eccentric, and non-conventional ways. They are also friends with their Cal Tech colleagues mechanical engineer Howard Wolowitz and astrophysicist Rajesh Koothrappali. The foursome spend their time working on their individual work projects, playing video games, watching science-fiction movies, or reading comic books. As they are self-professed nerds, all have little or no luck with women. When Penny, a pretty woman and an aspiring actress from Omaha, moves into the apartment across the hall from Leonard and Sheldon's, Leonard has another aspiration in life, namely to get Penny to be his girlfriend.



Movie time

22 min

Directed by



Johnny Galecki, Jim Parsons, Kaley Cuoco



06E17 - The Monster Isolation

Raj and Lucy have coffee together after they meet at the comic book store and get along until she unexpectedly runs off. Raj gets depressed and won't leave his apartment. Sheldon has Penny as a guest on "Fun with Flag" honoring the flag of her home-state, Nebraska. The gang goes to see Penny in her acting class' performance of "A Streetcar Named Desire." Sheldon is dragged to it and is impressed by Penny's acting skills. Howard takes a note to Raj from Lucy with her phone number on it. They get together and find that both of them have social skill problems and agree to another date.

Date: 21 Feb 2013
IMDB id: tt2697398
IMDB rating: 7.7
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