
John Ross and Christopher, the children of bitter rivals and brothers J.R. and Bobby Ewing, clash over the future of the Ewing dynasty, while the fate of SouthFork weighs in the balance. The current proprietor of SouthFork, Bobby Ewing, is determined to protect the promise he made to his late mother Miss Ellie. The infamous, scheming J.R. Ewing returns to SouthFork.



Movie time

42 min

Directed by



Josh Henderson, Jesse Metcalfe, Jordana Brewster



01E09 - Family Business

After Bobby has another tumor crisis, operated successfully but within an inch of his life, J.R. laughs away the women's moral appeal for the family to stand united, yet ends up signing over the Southfork deed to Bobby. John Ross now doubts the point in trying to please or at least impress his father enough to accept Christopher's offer to form a partnership, Ewing Energies, with Elena. J.R. believes Cliff Barnes's 'undervalued' right hand 'Smiling' Frank his weak point, but Bum finds no angle. Meanwhile Tommy tries in vain threatening Rebecca, who is winning Christopher back, with exposure as his college days lover, not sibling, and is told the deal concerning Chistopher's methane technology is lapsed by Smiling Frank. Harris Ryland expects Sue Ellen to be at his call or be exposed before the governor election.

Date: 01 Aug 2012
IMDB id: tt2336737
IMDB rating: N/A
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