How I Met Your Mother

Ted Mosby sits down with his kids, to tell them the story of how he met their mother. The story is told through memories of his friends Marshall, Lily, Robin, and Barney Stinson. All legendary 9 seasons lead up to the moment of Ted's final encounter with "the one."



Movie time

22 min

Directed by



Josh Radnor, Jason Segel, Cobie Smulders



07E11 - The Rebound Girl

As Lily's grandparents gave her and Marshall title to their house to do whatever they want, they have decided to sell it as a house on Long Island has little appeal to them, that is until they see how their real estate agent has elegantly furnished the house to show it and after they go back to their own apartment, which now seems really small in comparison. They break the news of their plan to move to Long Island by telling their friends that they are going to host Thanksgiving dinner at the house, and never leave. Robin in particular tries to talk them out of making the move, she who has more motives in wanting them to stay close to her in the city than usual. Meanwhile, both Barney and Ted are feeling like it has been a bad year for them with regard to their female relationships, Barney with the break-up with Nora and not getting Robin, while Ted had the bad issues with Zoey, Victoria and the Slutty Pumpkin. Rather than "play for the other team" together (which they do contemplate), they, admittedly drowned in a little too much alcohol, decide to enter into an unconventional joint venture to achieve their relationship wants. In the sober light of day, will their venture seem like as good an idea? Only a borrowed baby and some words from the baby's father may show them for sure.

Date: 21 Nov 2011
IMDB id: tt2108075
IMDB rating: 8.0
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