Tower Prep

Ian is a rebellious teenager who had recently been suspended from his school. Shortly thereafter, he wakes in a mysterious preparatory high school, with no idea how he got there nor where it is located. The school itself is focused on finding the "unique potential" of each of its students. Along the way, he makes friends with C.J., Gabe, and Suki. Together, they investigate the mysteries of the school while trying to escape.



Movie time

60 min

Directed by



Drew Van Acker, Ryan Pinkston, Elise Gatien



01E04 - Buffer

Ian realizes that Coach History is connected to the Gnomes, and joins the Buffer team to learn what Coach History knows. However, Ian soon becomes too involved in the game, and is forced to change between winning or rescuing his friends.

Date: 09 Nov 2010
IMDB id: tt1651027
IMDB rating: N/A
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