
The past, present, and future lives of surviving Oceanic Flight 815 passengers are dramatically intertwined as a fight for survival ensues in a quest for answers after crashlanding on a mysterious island. Each discovery prompts yet more secrets, as the hastily-formed colony search for a way off the island, or is this their home?



Movie time

44 min

Directed by



Jorge Garcia, Josh Holloway, Yunjin Kim




Rotten Tomatoes

03E16 - One of Us

Sayid, Kate, Jack, and Juliet arrives back at the camp of survivors, and the group does not accept the presence of Juliet. Jack protects Juliet, while she recalls her arrival to the island and her relationship with Ben. When Claire gets sick, Juliet advises that Claire was the subject of an experiment with pregnant women carried by her, and she brings the necessary vaccine to inoculate and heal Claire. Later, Juliet recalls how she first arrived on the island three years earlier, her first meeting with Ben and the Others, and about the last assignment Ben gave to her a couple of days ago.

Date: 11 Apr 2007
IMDB id: tt0979597
IMDB rating: 8.7
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