Doctor Who

Traveling across time and space, the immortal time-lord known as 'The Doctor' travels across the universe with his many companions and his loyal shape-shifting space-ship: the TARDIS. The Doctor faces many threats across many generations: from the Daleks, the Cybermen and his time-lord adversary the Master to the sinister Davros, creator of the Daleks.



Movie time

45 min

Directed by



William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee



01E29 - The Bride of Sacrifice

There is to be a sacrifice in three days time and Barbara is determined to stop it. Ian recovers from the drug Ixta administered during their fight and finds him somewhat more conciliatory. In trying to gain Cameca's support, the Doctor finds that he has inadvertently become engaged to her. He may have found a way into the tomb however. Tlotoxl is determined to prove Barbara is a false god and tries to poison her. When that fails, he focuses on Susan, who is reluctant to accept some Aztec practices. When she refuses to marry the man chosen for her, Tlotoxl arranges for her to be publicly punished.

Date: 06 Jun 1964
IMDB id: tt0769061
IMDB rating: 7.6
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