Elvis Gratton 3: Le retour d'Elvis Wong

This movie like all the other Elvis Gratton movies deals with a certain humor. The humor may be offending to some viewers. If you are interested in sexual and vulgar humor, this movie is for you! The movie didn't have much point though. The main goal of the director was to make fun of the liberals and federal government in Canada. The director Pierre Falardeau successfully made his point. The pro-liberals in this movies are portrayed as brown nosers and a**holes basically. The main character Elvis is ahead of an important media company and puts up only the news that seem to be important to him. The movie is funny at the beginning but gets a bit boring after a while, the jokes are the same and the movie seems to be only about making fun of the federal government. This movie could have been much better if the director diversified a bit more the jokes and the plot.



Movie time

105 min

Directed by

Pierre Falardeau


Julien Poulin, Yves Trudel, Jacques Allard



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